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Short Sleeved Christening Gown - Maya
Item Code: Maya Short Sleeves-59947
Short Sleeved Christening Gown - Maya

Short Sleeved Christening Gown - Maya

Beautiful Christening Robe available in white or ivory.  Appliqued bodice with pearls and sequins and lace scalloped overlay and an organza tie up bow at the back.

Available in sizes 56-74cm. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

74cm 9-12
68cm 6-9
62cm 3-6
56cm 0-3

Short Sleeved Christening Gown - Maya

Beautiful Christening Robe available in white or ivory.  Appliqued bodice with pearls and sequins and lace scalloped overlay and an organza tie up bow at the back.

Available in sizes 56-74cm. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

74cm 9-12
68cm 6-9
62cm 3-6
56cm 0-3
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