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Girls White Satin Communion Shoes with Heel and Strap - Little People 5149
Item Code: 5149-57896
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Little People Communion Shoes - 5149


White Satin
1" Heel
Adjustable Bar
Not available in half sizes

White Communion shoes from Little People - A low heeled hard soled,  Communion shoe designed in a smooth white satin with a square toe, adorned with a diamantes,  adjustable bar and simple buckle, a popular and special choice of First Communion shoes for a girl to wear on her First Communion day.

These classic style Holy Communion shoes are a comfortable and practical choice for girls of any age, and will compliment any style of First Holy Communion dress.

We have found that most of our Little People shoes, when tried on with pop socks or tights, are one size smaller than "measured" shoes. So, if a child normally wears a "Clarks" or "Start-Rite" size 1,  a Size 13 should fit.

Little People Communion shoes are not available in half sizes, if you still feel the Communion shoes are a little loose, put a half insole in the forepart of the shoe to help push the foot backwards, enabling the correct fit in the main joint of the foot to be in the correct position.


Little People Communion Shoes - 5149


White Satin
1" Heel
Adjustable Bar
Not available in half sizes

White Communion shoes from Little People - A low heeled hard soled,  Communion shoe designed in a smooth white satin with a square toe, adorned with a diamantes,  adjustable bar and simple buckle, a popular and special choice of First Communion shoes for a girl to wear on her First Communion day.

These classic style Holy Communion shoes are a comfortable and practical choice for girls of any age, and will compliment any style of First Holy Communion dress.

We have found that most of our Little People shoes, when tried on with pop socks or tights, are one size smaller than "measured" shoes. So, if a child normally wears a "Clarks" or "Start-Rite" size 1,  a Size 13 should fit.

Little People Communion shoes are not available in half sizes, if you still feel the Communion shoes are a little loose, put a half insole in the forepart of the shoe to help push the foot backwards, enabling the correct fit in the main joint of the foot to be in the correct position.

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