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First Holy Communion Tiara - Sparkling Diamante - Little People 5948
Item Code: 5948-60120
First Holy Communion Tiara - Sparkling Diamante - Little People 5948

First Holy Communion Tiara - Sparkling Diamante 

First Communion Tiara
Code - 5948

Purchase on line and have your order delivered to your door. Or make an appointment to come and see us in our Dressing Room in Chertsey.  Call on 01932 570486 or 07766 782311 to book a time.

First Holy Communion Tiara - Sparkling Diamante 

First Communion Tiara
Code - 5948

Purchase on line and have your order delivered to your door. Or make an appointment to come and see us in our Dressing Room in Chertsey.  Call on 01932 570486 or 07766 782311 to book a time.
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