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Emmerling WHITE Communion Floral Trailing Comb - 77516
Item Code: 77516W-60096
White Communion Floral Trailing Comb 77516

Emmerling White Floral Hair Accessory Trailing Comb 

Product Code:77516

Very sweet Floral Comb with delicate ribbon trails.  Perfect to be worn under a bun, further forward on the head or on the side of the head.

Emmerling hair accessories are always very popular, please order early to avoid disappointment.


Emmerling White Floral Hair Accessory Trailing Comb 

Product Code:77516

Very sweet Floral Comb with delicate ribbon trails.  Perfect to be worn under a bun, further forward on the head or on the side of the head.

Emmerling hair accessories are always very popular, please order early to avoid disappointment.

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