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Fabric Purse With Bow and Pearls
White Fabric First Communion Purse
Item Code: C6436-59052
White Fabric First Communion Purse - with bows
Inexpensive First Communion Gift

 First Holy Communion Purse
 Code: C6436

Specifications: 2 75 "  X  4.50" 

First Communion gift - Soft white fabric First Holy Communion purse with bow and pearls has a snap button closure to open and close.

This small pretty First Communion purse is popular given with a  First Communion Rosary (Rosary not included) for a First Holy Communion gift .

This white First Communion purse will match any First Communion dress style

First Holy Communion purse for Daughter, Granddaughter,  Goddaughter, Niece, Sister or special girl  for her First Holy Communion day.

Purchase on line and have your order delivered to your door.
White Fabric First Communion Purse - with bows
Inexpensive First Communion Gift

 First Holy Communion Purse
 Code: C6436

Specifications: 2 75 "  X  4.50" 

First Communion gift - Soft white fabric First Holy Communion purse with bow and pearls has a snap button closure to open and close.

This small pretty First Communion purse is popular given with a  First Communion Rosary (Rosary not included) for a First Holy Communion gift .

This white First Communion purse will match any First Communion dress style

First Holy Communion purse for Daughter, Granddaughter,  Goddaughter, Niece, Sister or special girl  for her First Holy Communion day.

Purchase on line and have your order delivered to your door.
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