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First Communion Floral Crown Vine headdress with Pearl Trail- Emmerling 77502
IVORY First Communion Floral Crown Vine headdress with Pearl Trail- Emmerling 77502
Item Code: 77502/I-59896
First Communion Floral Crown Vine headdress with Pearl Trail- Emmerling 77502

IVORY First Communion Floral Crown with Pearl Trail- Emmerling 77502   

Code: 77502

This dainty floral crown with daisy flowers and pearls woven on a hair vine with pearl trails that fall down the back of the hair The hair vine has a clear comb attached at the back that will securely hold this vine in place.

It is a pretty alternative hair accessory for a First Communion full of style and grace.

A stunning First Holy Communion headpiece for daughter,granddaughter, goddaughter, niece, sister or special girl to wear on her First Communion day.

Purchase on line and have your order delivered to your door.  

IVORY First Communion Floral Crown with Pearl Trail- Emmerling 77502   

Code: 77502

This dainty floral crown with daisy flowers and pearls woven on a hair vine with pearl trails that fall down the back of the hair The hair vine has a clear comb attached at the back that will securely hold this vine in place.

It is a pretty alternative hair accessory for a First Communion full of style and grace.

A stunning First Holy Communion headpiece for daughter,granddaughter, goddaughter, niece, sister or special girl to wear on her First Communion day.

Purchase on line and have your order delivered to your door.  
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