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Emmerling - Ivory Satin Ribbon Edge First Holy Communion Veils
Item Code: 77168/I-59576
Best Seller!

Ivory Satin Ribbon Edge First Communion Veil - Best Seller- Emmerling 77168 

Material: Ivory Tulle
36" Veil

OUR BEST-SELLER! Emmerling First Holy Communion Veil - This First Communion veil is sheer beauty it is plain simple and beautiful

This satin ribbon edge Communion veil is beautiful it has a rich flowing edge that compliments satin First Communion dresses a very popular First Communion veil

First Communion veil comes on a comb ready to wear with or without a headpiece, and offers flexibility for different hair styles.

A stunning First Holy Communion veil for daughter, granddaughter, goddaughter, niece, sister or special girl to wear on her First Communion day.

Shop online for fast delivery to your home.

Ivory Satin Ribbon Edge First Communion Veil - Best Seller- Emmerling 77168 

Material: Ivory Tulle
36" Veil

OUR BEST-SELLER! Emmerling First Holy Communion Veil - This First Communion veil is sheer beauty it is plain simple and beautiful

This satin ribbon edge Communion veil is beautiful it has a rich flowing edge that compliments satin First Communion dresses a very popular First Communion veil

First Communion veil comes on a comb ready to wear with or without a headpiece, and offers flexibility for different hair styles.

A stunning First Holy Communion veil for daughter, granddaughter, goddaughter, niece, sister or special girl to wear on her First Communion day.

Shop online for fast delivery to your home.
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