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Communion Blue Paper Cups  for First Communion Party
Communion Blue Paper Cups for First Communion Party
Item Code: HOCBCUPS-57734
Reduced From £2.50 save:£1.50 ✔
    A fantastic way to focus the First Communion celebration on this special Catholic sacrament.

    Inexpensive First Holy Communion partyware

    These 9oz First Communion cups come 8 cups in a package and are part of an entire line of First Communion themed paper partyware products.

    Themed First Holy Communion partyware is a fantastic way to focus the First Communion celebration on this special Catholic sacrament.

    Inexpensive First Holy Communion partyware, our Divinity Communion partyware will add a touch of elegance to any First Communion celebration!

    First Holy Communion party  celebration for Daughter, Son, Grandson, Granddaughter, Godson,  Goddaughter, Nephew, Niece, Brother, Sister or special boy or special girl, it the finishing touches that make it a memorable day.

    Purchase on line and have your order delivered to your door.
      A fantastic way to focus the First Communion celebration on this special Catholic sacrament.

      Inexpensive First Holy Communion partyware

      These 9oz First Communion cups come 8 cups in a package and are part of an entire line of First Communion themed paper partyware products.

      Themed First Holy Communion partyware is a fantastic way to focus the First Communion celebration on this special Catholic sacrament.

      Inexpensive First Holy Communion partyware, our Divinity Communion partyware will add a touch of elegance to any First Communion celebration!

      First Holy Communion party  celebration for Daughter, Son, Grandson, Granddaughter, Godson,  Goddaughter, Nephew, Niece, Brother, Sister or special boy or special girl, it the finishing touches that make it a memorable day.

      Purchase on line and have your order delivered to your door.
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